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Helen Bernadette Slattery


Degree in Counselling & Psychometric Testing


Organization: Tranquility Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

Details of Approach

Therapy is a very personal process. The sessions are client led. Therapy provides you with a safe, confidential and supportive place to explore the difficulties you are facing in your life. Together we work with enhancing well-being; promoting awareness; growth, turning negatives  into positives. I equip my clients with the tools to develop  new sets of skills that will help  make the changes they desire, solve the problems that brought them in, and better cope with whatever challenges might arise in the future

Principal Modality

I incorporate a variety of therapeutic approaches including CBT, humanistic, gestalt & person centered which is tailored to meet each client's individuals needs.

Work Address

ardnatagle, O Briens Bridge, Clare, All Counties, V94V4HE,

Phone Numbers

Home Phone

Mobile phone: 0863427717

Work Phone



Personal email:

Work Email

Socal Media

Blog(Title will come here)

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