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Kayla Danielle Niblock





Details of Approach

My main approach in therapy sessions is to use Cognitive Behavioural Therepy. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, also known as CBT, is a therapy which focuses on how emotions, thoughts and behaviours influence each other in our daily lives. The main element of CBT is setting goals as this helps the person to focus their thoughts, emotions and behaviours on the issue that is bothering them in the moment. CBT also encourages people to look at their lives in the present moment, while occasionally delving back to their past. Even though CBT is known as a structured therapy, it is important for the individual to steer their own journey, whilst I accompany them therapeutically.

Principal Modality

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Work Address

The Dancing Soul, Monksland, Athlone, Westmeath, All Counties,

Phone Numbers

Home Phone

Mobile Phone

Work phone: 0877581184



Personal Email

Work email:

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