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Mrs Ursula Hayes


Ursula Hayes CBT



Details of Approach

Ursula Hayes BSocSc; HDipPsych; MAAP; MACBT; MAPCP; M. Psi. S.I
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Ursula places particular emphasis on the therapeutic alliance between herself and her client
and is dedicated to working compassionately and collaboratively with each client to address
maladaptive thinking, emotions and behaviours through goal orientated, problem focused
interventions to improve the individuals emotional and mental wellbeing.

Principal Modality

Ursula is a private cognitive behavioural therapist who founded
her practice Ursula Hayes CBT in 2019. Ursula is an accredited member of APCP
(Association of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists) and the PSI (Psychological
Society of Ireland). She graduated from UCC in 2006 with a Bachelor of Social Science
(Hons) degree before working in intellectual disability services in Cork City. Ursula
continued her education in 2007 with a certificate in Applied Behaviour Analysis from ICEP
Europe and further in 2010 completing a Higher Diploma in Applied Psychology in UCC and
a Masters in Applied Psychology in 2013 from UCC also and a Masters in Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy from ICHAS (Irish College of humanities and applied sciences) in
2019. Throughout this time Ursula conducted research and presented on topics such as
depression and suicide among the Irish male population; barriers to seeking psychological
help in young Irish Males; stress and burnout in formal caregivers and the importance of the
therapeutic relationship in therapy, spending 8 years working in the healthcare system caring for the
elderly population and a further 2 years working with adults with intellectual disability and
volunteering in mental health.

Work Address

Dungarvan Alternative Health Clinic, Pookeen Lane, Main Street, Dungarvan, Waterford, All Counties, X35 V577,

Phone Numbers

Home phone: 058 44229

Mobile phone: 087 2055466

Work Phone



Personal Email

Work email:

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