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Lapsed Membership less than 2 months - For members who have not renewed on time - that is within 2 months of the renewal date 31 January of each membership year.


The individual must submit a letter detailing why they allowed their membership to lapse. This will be reviewed by the Appraisal committee and maybe referred to the Accreditation Committee. If membership lapses on more than one occasion, this will be referred to the Accreditation Committee. The individual must undergo Garda Vetting again.


Lapsed/cancelled Membership between 2 months and 2 years


The individual must submit a letter detailing why they allowed their membership to lapse. They must also advise if they have been seeing clients during the lapsed period and whether or not they have been in supervision. This will be reviewed by the Appraisal committee and may be referred to the Accreditation Committee. If membership lapses on more than one occasion, this will be referred to the Accreditation Committee. The individual must undergo Garda Vetting again.


Lapsed/cancelled Accredited Membership between 2 - 7 years


The individual must:


  • Remain at Pre-Accredited Membership for the 12 months prior to full Re-Instatement of Accreditation with APCP

  • Meet Pre-Accredited Member supervision requirements for the 12 months prior to full Re-Instatement of Accreditation 

  • Show evidence of 30 hours of CPD in the 12 months prior to full Re-Instatement of  Accreditation

  • Hold current Professional Liability Insurance

  • Undergo Garda Vetting with APCP


Please complete the Accreditation Form, without clinical log. The processing fee for this application is €100.

All applications are at the discretion of the Appraisal Committee and Re-instatement of Accredited Membership is not guaranteed.


Lapsed/cancelled Accredited Membership between 7+ years


  • If the applicant has been out of the sector, they will be required to complete an upskilling counselling course

  • Show evidence of 30 hours of CPD in the 12 months prior to full Re-Instatement of Accreditation

  • Remain at Pre-Accredited Membership for the 12 months prior to full Re-Instatement           of Accreditation with APCP

  • Meet Pre-Accredited Member supervision requirements for the 12 months prior to full Re-Instatement of Accreditation 

  • Hold current Professional Liability Insurance

  • Undergo Garda Vetting with APCP


Please complete the Accreditation Form, without clinical log. The processing fee for this application is €100.


All applications are at the discretion of the Appraisal Committee and Re-instatement of Accredited Membership is not guaranteed.

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